Saturday, September 20, 2008

Here and now

So I've come to a very important time in my life. I'm 23 years old, married, and having a baby with the woman I love. Things are really going great at this juncture. I can't help but wonder when will the time come for the down slope. I've been having the time of my life living with her and flipping to this next chapter hasn't hit me completely. To think that in a month's time I'm going to be held responsible for taking care of another human life. It's an odd feeling, to picture myself showing this little baby everything he needs to know about how to survive and succeed in life. It's enlightening and scary all at the same time but I'm sure I'll soldier on like a parent is suppose to and come to grips with it sooner or later.

Being a gamer for about 75% of the day might pose a problem for me as time comes. I hear we dont get as much time to ourselves once children come into the picture. But I welcome it actually. I also hear change is good. So I'm willing to give this parenting thing my best shot. I'm gonna be one of those dad's thats gonna show him everything from Mario to Halo to Oblivion. Atleast thats the plan...I can see him walking in on me when I'm playing Call of Duty 4 (or 6 for that matter) while I'm keeping him on Super Mario World. I have plans for him just like any father would for their kid but I'm excited about introducing him to everything.

MMOs nowadays are practically a full time job so getting sucked into those things looks hard to resist. Warhammer is looking flippin sweet, we're still waiting for Aion and the guys and I are currently still playing the hell out of Age of Conan. We've gotten all the essentials for the baby and making room for him has been a bit hard. Too many collectible figures and wall scrolls hangin up. Not to mention my room has like 6 major furniture peices to it. It's madness I tell you. Anyway here's to the next chapter, it's looking pretty good :)

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